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jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Mediation Activity

Teacher: Mario Alpizar
Institution: X
Date: 03/21/13
Target Content: Likes, dislikes and preferences

Mediation Activities:
Speaking /Listening:  The Guessing Parade, This activity should include a presentation on each student’s likes and dislikes, they will discuss about their preferences in front of the class but never saying to whom preferences belong.  
Students’ role: They gather in pairs with a laptop and internet connection and they will develop a PowerPoint presentation about their different likes and dislikes in the next categories Music, Food, Sports, Videogames, People, Animal and Movie.  The presentation should include pictures, and videos. The presentation should last at least 10 minutes (5 minutes each). Students in charge of the presentation should create a chart to check correct guesses.
The rest of the class will be divided in 2 teams guessing to whom preferences belong and the winning team will have a little prize brought by the students in charge. 
Teacher’s Role: The teacher will be evaluating the presentation developed by students, and listening to the pronunciation, and grammar applied in the PowerPoint presentation. The teacher as well will be playing when it is time to guess, so he should belong to one team.

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